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East Kilbride

Old Parish




The Old Parish Church’s choir members and organist/choirmaster, Colin Thomas, throw open the doors of welcome to anyone who would like to join us as we sing our hearts out. And believe it or not, you don’t even have to be a great singer! We’ll squeeze a note out of you - gently! We are a very friendly bunch and meet on Thursday evenings for practice, which is usually a lot of fun. All ages are welcome!

What do we do?

We lead the singing on Sunday mornings, singing an anthem and an introit from music old and new. We lead a special service at Christmas and Easter, during which we perform a cantata.

When do we practise?

Thursday evenings from 7.30-8.30 pm in the Lower Hall from September to the end of April/start of May, when we take a break for the summer.

Do I have to read music?

No, it's not necessary - we all learn the music together.

Do I have to be at every practice?

No, but as many Thursdays as you can. If you don't want to commit to being a full-time member, why not come along from October to be part of the augmented choir for Christmas? Several people who have done this have become part of the regular choir.

Can I talk to someone to get more information?

Speak to Colin, our organist, after the service on a Sunday or any choir member.

What else do we do?

We have a night out every year. Practices are not just hard work—we try to keep them as light-hearted as possible. Why not come along to a practice to see what we do? There is no obligation! Contact Colin Thomas for further information, or use the website's 'Contact Us' button.

Christmas choir practice with Colin hands

Our new church organ, seen below, was successfully installed on Thursday, 19th December 2019 and is now being played at church services. The organ replaced the older Allen organ, which, after 30 years, was getting to the point where maintenance and replacement of faulty electronic parts were becoming problematic. To hear it Click Here


new organ dec 19


East Kilbride Old Parish Church
Montgomery Street
The Village
East Kilbride
G74 4JS

01355 279004
Office opening times:
Tuesday & Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm




Scottish Charity No: SC000609