East Kilbride
Old Parish
Faith Matters
About our Faith
Central to the Church of Scotland is our love and worship of God through following the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ.
We express our love for God by our love and practical care for each other and for those we live with and encounter in our daily lives.
For more on this, go to the Church Of Scotland website here:
Help to Pray
“It has been said that we learn by praying, not by reading about it. That said, speaking with others and listening to their understanding of prayer can help us reflect upon our own experiences.” (Church of Scotland website)
The Church of Scotland link above gives examples of prayer, and the Lord's Prayer can be found in this site's Worship With Us section (Newcomer's Guide).
Here is a prayer offered by Rt Rev Susan Brown, Moderator of the General Assembly, in reaction to the March 2019 atrocity in New Zealand, which happened at two mosques around the time people were attending for Friday prayers (50 people were killed and at least 19 were wounded in the shootings).
Why, Lord?
Why attack people at worship?
For the selfishness
Hate that humanity is capable of,
We are ashamed
And pray for the courage to respect
And to love.
If you would like prayers to be said for someone, or would like to join us, to feel the strength of fellowship and contribute to the power of prayer, we now have a Prayer Group which meets every week in the Lounge Area of the Lower Hall, at 12.30pm after Sunday Morning Service. (Please check the Home Page What's On /View More Events Calendar for any updates). Meetings are also held on the last Wednesday of each month at 3.15pm in the Lounge. (Prayer request box in the vestibule).
You can pick up a leaflet in the Church, called “To Help You Pray”, or click here for a copy:
Reading the Bible
Spending a little time each day with God helps to deepen your relationship with and understanding of Him.
It may help you to join a Bible Study group where you will be guided through passages, and share thoughts and learn along with others.
We have a Bible Study group that meets fortnightly for part of the year. See 'Bible Study Group' under 'Activities' for more information.
Searching for Answers
Where to find answers can depend on the questions you want to ask. Some are difficult to find, and depend on your faith. But the first step is to start looking, asking, searching….
Come along to church on Sunday!
Pray for guidance.
Read the Bible.
Talk to the Minister. You can get in touch with her via ‘Contact Us”, or ask to speak to her after the Sunday Morning Service.
And why not spend some time exploring the The Church of Scotland website which can help with many of your questions, such as: