East Kilbride
Old Parish
Worship with Us
Sunday Morning Service
Sunday morning services usually last just under an hour, starting at 11 am. Please join us. You'll be most welcome!
Don't worry if you are new to East Kilbride Old Parish Church or any church - just click on our 'Newcomer's Guide' below, which we hope will answer all of your questions. But if any remain, please just ask! After all, it's a good way of starting off a conversation and getting to know us.
Door Duty Team members, who wear name badges, meet you as you arrive, and they are there to help you throughout the service.
The Minister, Rev. Anne Paton, is available for consultation immediately after Sunday Morning Worship at 12 noon in the Vestry (on the left as you leave the Church). If you wish to see her, please arrange this with a member of the Door Duty Team.
You can watch the latest service on the Home page. You can also listen to or watch previous services using the blue buttons underneath it.
Communion Services
Services celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion are held on the first Sunday (11 am and 3 pm) and the following Thursday (12 noon) in February, June and October, as well as in Easter week. Check our EKO magazine for any changes.
Other Services
Details of other special church services can be found on our Home page 'noticeboards'. These include Remembrance Sunday, Christmas, and Easter Holy Week.
If you're new to the church and would like to find out more about what to expect at our services, click our guide below to find out more.
Accessibility and Extra Support
Our crèche, staffed by qualified volunteers, was provided in the Lounge area of the hall adjacent to the church but has not yet restarted after the pandemic hit.
• The church and halls are wheelchair accessible, and we have a couple of suitable spots to sit or store wheelchairs.
• There is an induction loop PA system for the hard of hearing.
• We provide large print copies of hymns for those who need them.
• We broadcast live at 11 am on Sundays and the service can be recorded onto CD and DVD for the benefit of the housebound (delivered to the member's home on request). They can also access the current service via our 'Dial-a-Service' phone number, which is available from the Church Office. Previous service recordings are available online when you Click on 'Listen to a Service' or 'Watch a Service' on the Home Page.
For your comfort:
We provide toilet facilities in the adjacent hall, as well as cushions for those who find the pew seats hard. Door Duty Team members are on hand should you feel unwell and need to leave the church during a service. They will also be pleased to help with any queries about extra support not mentioned above and can introduce you to our Pastoral Care team if this would help.
Please join us for tea and coffee in the Lower Hall, next to the church, after the service. (No charge, but there is a donation dish).
If you arrive after service has started and the doors are locked, you can ring the ‘bell’ – it will not make a noise; it just makes a discreet light flash, and someone will come to the door.