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May was a very busy month – we had all our regular weekly groups and activities as well as our Noah’s Ark Messy Church, The Angus McConnell Memorial Community Football Tournament, planning for the all-age family service on 9th June as well as preparing for our summer holiday club in August. Here is a quick review of what we have done recently and what is in the pipeline.


We are having a Family Service on Sunday the 9th June for all our young folk and their families. This will be followed by a lunch in the Glebe Street Hall at 12.30pm for all participants and the congregation too. 

NOAHS ARK MESSY CHURCH – Was held on Sunday 5th May with over 70 in attendance and children and adults alike had the opportunity to hear about, hold and get their photos taken with snakes– it was a fantastic well attended event and there are some photos below which I hope give you a flavour of the afternoon and how enjoyable it was.

Our next and final Messy Church for this session takes place on Sunday 2nd

June from 2-4pm in Glebe St and is entitled: East Kilbride Old has Got Talent – everyone has been given different gifts, talents and abilities from God and we will explore the Parable of the Talents during the afternoon and hopefully finish with a talent show.

There is a poster advertising this event throughout the church and halls with all the details but EVERYONE is welcome but all children must be accompanied by a responsible adult(s).

Please spread the word and invite others to join us.


TOURNAMENT – took place on Sunday 19th May at St Kenneths Primary

School East Kilbride. This was our 4th event in memory of our dear friend  Angus and was our biggest and best yet - the event just seems to grow each year. This year we had 8 teams join us for this fun afternoon of football, fun, food & fellowship with 100 children and young people taking part from East Kilbride, Paisley and Strathaven – they all had a great time. It was also wonderful that our prayers were answered with an absolutely glorious afternoon of sunshine – in fact a bit to warm but I’m not complaining.

The brilliant news is that the team from EKOPC finished in second place and were runners up to the winning team from St Kenneths Primary School – this was our best ever finish and hopefully next year we can go one step further and win the competition. The 12 boys and girls who represented us played magnificently and were a great credit to the church, the team and themselves – there is a picture of our team below. 

There are pictures of all teams who took part and a selection of others in this magazine – please be encouraged and excited by the fact that we are doing a lot of wonderful work with children and families all through the year a lot of which goes unseen. 






messy church

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB 2024 – Our holiday club this year will take place from Monday 5th – Friday 9th August every morning from 10am until 12noon in the Church, Lower Hall & Upper Hall – Our theme this year is the Parables of Jesus when we will explore a different parable each day and have fun, games, art, crafts, singing, dancing and group time reflecting on the parable for the session.

 Registration forms are now available and places are filling up fast so please complete a form and return it to me to avoid disappointment.  

We also have plans to have a family party afternoon or evening on the Saturday following the holiday club as well as showcasing the week-long club at an all-age family service on Sunday 11th August. It’s not too late to get involved even if you can only help for 1 or 2 mornings that would be greatly appreciated – if you think you would like to get involved, please let Iain know asap. 


Sunday School will have its last normal Sunday on Sunday 16th June but will continue during the summer months with activities for any children not on holiday and at church

Junior Badminton Group - our final session will be our parents and presentation evening on Friday 14th June - we will restart on Friday 5th September

Childrens Art/Craft Group - our final session is Thursday 20th June and will restart on Thursday 4th September

Youth Group has finished for this session and will restart in September (actual date and time to be confirmed)

Messy Church – our final session is Sunday 2nd June and we will restart on Sunday 8th September (this is the second Sunday in September but we will revert back to the first Sunday of each month from October onwards)

Thank you for all your encouragement, support, prayers and friendship – I really appreciate it so very much.

Iain (Children, Youth & Families Worker)
mobile 07912 295943 / email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

East Kilbride Old Parish Church
Montgomery Street
The Village
East Kilbride
G74 4JS

01355 279004
Office opening times:
Tuesday & Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm




Scottish Charity No: SC000609