East Kilbride
Old Parish
Senior Youth Group
Our Senior Youth Group meets by arrangement. For meeting times and further information, please contact Iain Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., text 07912 295943, or use the website's 'Contact Us' button.
Our group is open to anyone of secondary school age, whether they attend church or not. There is a small weekly charge—£2. Meetings are generally held in The Glebe Street Hall on Sunday afternoons from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The group also help with our Messy Church sessions, and when we meet, we chat, do some arts & crafts, play games (“Stop the Bus” is a particular favourite) and have fun. At our recent session, we had our own version of the TV reality show “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me out of Here”, when we focused on winning stars for food by undertaking six trials, all based on working together as a team and using all our individual and unique gifts and talents that God has given us. The young people worked well as a team, some more forceful than others – no names mentioned - but in the end, all six trials were successfully completed, food was won – and everyone went home happy!
In addition to Sunday meetings, the young people have opportunities to attend various other activities and events. We recently went 10-pin bowling at M&D’s theme park in Motherwell and had a great time. We also attended a concert by Philippa Hanna, the current No. 1 Christian singer-songwriter in the UK, at Avondale Old Parish Church in Strathaven. Click here to go to her website.
Iain Shaw