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EKOPCphotos 15

East Kilbride

Old Parish



17th East Kilbride Guides


November Update from Brown Owl:

All three units are meeting in Glebe St Hall at the same times as before but the sessions are shorter to allow for Covid cleaning:
Rainbows 5.30pm,
Brownies 6.30pm and
Guides 8.00pm
Our numbers are also reduced as follows;
Rainbows 18, Brownies 24 and Guides 18.
The girls are all working on the GG programme and we are supplementing this with other events, planting out community pots in the village for winter and donating filled pots to the residents at McKillop Gardens.
Our Halloween Fun Night was held on Zoom.
In December, the girls are looking forward to decorating a church window for Christmas, a trip to the cinema (no panto this year) and a Guiding Christingle Service.

Please contact Christine Tweedie with enquiries.

East Kilbride Old Parish Church
Montgomery Street
The Village
East Kilbride
G74 4JS

01355 279004
Office opening times:
Tuesday & Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm




Scottish Charity No: SC000609